Artisan Map
With the goal of highlighting local artisans, the Mashghal gallery contains a topographical map of Lebanon showing pins of craft cities and marking the artisans located at each pin with color-coded info tags based on type of craft. The piece stands alone as a display element to be appreciated, while also inviting visitors to interact and discover. The vision for the project is to provide artisans with access to local, regional and international markets by putting in motion a sustainable marketing mechanism that highlights and gives exposure to their work. In addition, as a result of the port explosion, Mashghal has provided repairs and renovations to the workshops of several artisans located within the blast zone. Both the gallery and online shop are big milestones for Mashghal. They are the product of two years of collaborative work undertaken with various men and women artisans and partners. Map and gallery display elements fabricated by DAMJ.